Tuesday, January 7, 2014

The Blonde Vegan Cleanse: Day 2

Finally, a minute to relax!

I just completed Day 2 of The Blonde Vegan 5-Day Cleanse.
Other than a little tired from working all day and prepping again I feel pretty spectacular. My tummy is happy and so am I :)

Last night was the worst so far. The raw green vegetable soup for dinner did not satisfy me or Jeff. We could hardly choke it down and barely made a dent in our bowls. We ate as much as we possibly could, and then opted for a banana with some almond butter to help satiate us. I was pretty cranky last night also. I don't think the cleanse is entirely to blame because there are always outside factors involved. (In my case, my computer took a crap and I still have yet to solve the problem)

Today has been much better. I woke up without hitting the snooze button which is a miracle in and of itself. I had a lot of energy and I felt amazing! I was able to get in a HIIT workout before I juiced and blended my meals for the day, and even had some time to spare before I left for work.

On to the meals....
The morning smoothie,  "The Naked Smoothie", is one I have made several times and am very familiar with so I enjoyed that. Juice #1, "True Blood Elixir" was actually my first experience with beets in a juice and I was a bit wary of it,  but the other flavors complemented it nicely and it was pretty tasty. Lunch was another salad, very similar to yesterday's with a slight modification in the fruit variety. Still, it was equally as delicious as the first and I scarfed the entire thing. Juice #2 "Sunshine in a Glass" was just that. Citrus-y deliciousness. I remained satisfied until dinnertime when I started to prepare the "Veggie Party in a Bowl" as my last meal of the day. I have never been one to eat JUST vegetables. They have always been that really great supporting role to the rest of my meal, so tonight's dinner was different than anything I've ever had; thankfully it was in a good way! The combination of butternut squash (which I actually have never had before) with cauliflower, Brussels, and broccoli truly was a party. A delicious party for my taste buds!

I've already blended the smoothie and prepared our juices for tomorrow, so that way I have the bulk of the work done (and so I don't make so much noise, oops!) Jeff has been at school all day and won't be home until after I'm asleep tonight, so I'll get his thoughts on today's meals in the morning. I'm looking forward to the new recipes and will keep you updated on everything!


  1. Hey! It's Brittney from TIU SF :) Love your blog and the cleanse recap - can't wait to see the rest of the recaps!

  2. Hi Brittney! Thank you so much! I'll be updating every night :)
