We made it!!!!
5 straight days of a totally raw plant based diet. No caffeine, alcohol, meat, eggs, dairy, unnatural sugar, grains, corn, or beans. It was a lot harder than I was anticipating, but I'm happy to say both Jeff and I made it through successfully without cheating! ....Even though it was very tempting, especially yesterday!
Today's meals:
Breakfast smoothie was "Strawberry Fields" which was actually more of a green smoothie with strawberries. It didn't look very appetizing, but it tasted very good!
First juice of the day "Ginger Snap" it was a really simple and refreshing blend of carrot and orange juice.
Lunch was supposed to be fire roasted tomatoes and broccoli, but since I had to make everything beforehand and bring it to work I decided to make the "Figgy Berry-licious Salad" from day 1 again. Just as good as the first time :)
Juice #2 was "Green Elixir". Another take on a traditional green juice.
The dinner for day 5 was supposed to be a sweet potato kale saute, but seeing as I don't like kale, we decided to bake the sweet potato and roast Brussels sprouts and carrots again. We love sweet potatoes so this dish was a definite favorite.
I'm grateful there was some wiggle room regarding the meals. We were permitted to swap around meals from other days if that suited us better, which in our case, it did. I think that made us much more successful than we might have otherwise been. Especially if I had to eat raw kale soup!
Today I felt the best out of all the other days. I had a lot of energy, felt very light, and was simply in a fabulous mood. I'm sure some of that had to do with the premature excitement of what I'm going to eat tomorrow! I'm going to go to bed early tonight and in the morning I will share my thoughts on the cleanse as a whole, and let you know how I feel after the fact.
Hope everyone has a great Friday night :)
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